7:00 am August 28th 2009 started like this.

its been a interesting Past 2 weeks in LA since the my last trip,Headed for Scottsdale
(slutsdale? coined by a friend the other day)
Arizona with the H+R CRew to print at 944 the 8yr anniversary party..
http://www.944.com/944is8/Yipee we all know how these events go down i heard it's 111 degree's
printing on the pool deck,While the privileged drunks romp around in little to nothing.crew life.
lets flash back a bit..Portland.DEW tour.what happens when u give 2500 8-16yr old's Free
Mt. Dew & Wendy's burgers all day, mixed up with video Play stations x box game stations
Nike give aways and H+R posters..crazy high fructose promo carnival frenzy..
NOT to mention Brain damage and diabetes...
i was talking to one of the workers supplying the dew.
they went thru 42 cases an hour each can is 46 grams of sugar each kid pounds at least 2 cans in 3 minutes cause they break them up in these sample cups 4 cups one can..i was amazed watching the lines ,double fist ed kids passing it off to there friends grabbing more like it was the Fountain of DEW of youth.. then about facing 50 steps to Wendy's stand.YUCK.hey parents is this really what u want? I'm sure by the end of the day the cranky sugar crash fits made a few parents wonder why they had kids..
Never the less crew was in Pro form (Brandy,kutmah,Alister) you can imagine some of the Bratty Amped up kids we had to deal with..future Fake Divas & jr Doooosh bags..j/k
One kid said to me "hey You Make sure its Perfect" ...um ok? "yeah make sure there is lots of ink on it..i want it perfect like, that one" (in my head) really little dude u must get your way a lot at home..i tried so hard to fuck it up..it didn't happen.Rats..
so once again he must think his way of communication works..Thanks.
My second trip this year to Portland was good,found an awesome Mexican spot,got some voodoo donuts rode Free train public transportation,Bikes.Bikes.Bikes.Portland Dew Games Nightlife..Old school Tom Beacon Rooftop sessions.clean air fresh food and lots of walking..
Know one was hurt in the photo above
you should never be this drunk in public
Full Pictures soon. on the Plane Back in the City:
H+ R Present:"WHATS NEXT LA " # 2
BTW: this Past Wednesday night NBA LIVE 10 Gave artists from there soundtrack of the game a chance to play and compete with one another..Xzibit, DJ Quik, Young Dre The Truth, Murs, Jay Rock, B.o.B, DJ Babu were in the house.I got to take pictures.
Thank you Rona & Raphaella

see URB Blog
Now we Kind of Caught up.
Today on a Plane to Arizona.
meet up with Brandy Flower & Erok 10am.
load the truck out by 10:30
11:00 stopped by Random car check out side LAX,we get Saluted? then asked to move on.check bags Hey those are security dogs in the Airport..OVER THE LOUD SPEAKER:Brandy Flower please report to TSA Bag check.."Brandy Flower" yo B that's you..
10 minutes pass something is wrong here..
over hearing "this sux" they wont let us take the inks :
our ink looks like BOMB making stuff need labeling information tha'ts not on bottles..
Plan B get in a cab fedex the ink change our flight,grab some Bean Burro's and discuss Regan and Obama.. Board our flight and land @ 420.
the Adventure Begins..

its 2:22 am