It is with great sadness that we announce the postponement of the "Creating Memory is our Weapon" Show at the Urban Sanctuary Gallery in Boyle Heights. It had always been a dream of ours to have the show in Boyle Heights. Ten years ago we had shown the photographs at the great Frank Sosa's space on Silverlake Blvd and it was a great honor to be able to bring the photos East, but sadly the local political terrain proved ...too complicated for it to happen at this time. Two days ago it was brought to our attention that several local "artivists" had started a campaign online to boycott the show. Apparently there has been some conflict locally with the management of Urban Sanctuary. We have spent the past 48 hours trying to negotiate a settlement that would allow the show to continue - but in the end with threats looming and an extraordinary amount of anger being expressed we decided to postpone the show until we are able to honor the memory of the Marcha in a more clear environment. It was never our intention to inflame local anger, to incite a boycott or indeed to put our constituency on any side of a local conflict. Zapatismo has plenty to do with local conflicts but not in this way.Please accept our humblest apologies if this in any way affects your plans for tonight. We will all reap the rewards of this show in a less contentious space at a later date.
B+March 11th, 2011
"Our most ancient ones taught us that the celebration of memory is also a celebration of tomorrow. They told us that memory is not turning one's head and heart towards the past. It is not a sterile remembrance which speaks laughter or tears. Memory, they told us, is one of the seven guides which the human heart needs in order to make its journey. The other six are truth, pride, consistency, honesty, respect for oneself and for the other, and love."-Subcommandante Marcos, March 24, 2001
213* & Mochilla are pleased to announce "La Marcha" photo exhibition.
This show is the second in a three part series being curated by Azul 213 held at Urban Sanctuary Gallery in Boyle Heights.
The Zapatistas March on Mexico City
On Feb. 25 2001, the leaders of the insurgent Indian people of Chiapas launched a two-week mass march on Mexico City to remobilize and extend mass support for the demands of those sections of the Mexican population who have suffered most from the world capitalist offensive-the indigenous peoples.
Twenty three commandantes and one sub-commandante left the autonomous mountains of South East Mexico to travel to the Federal District of Mexico City with three demands: 1. To seek approval of the Indigenous Bill of Rights. 2. To seek the withdrawal of seven military bases from indigenous land and 3. To seek the release of all remaining EZLN prisoners.
On the eleventh of March they walked onto a platform in the Zocalo (Mexico City’s picturesque town square) to see one million Mexicans cheer them and offer support and solidarity. Having secured the support of the National Indigenous Council, the Zapatistas took the city with delegates from forty four of Mexico’s fifty seven indigenous nations.
213* & Mochilla Presents:
Photographs by B+ and COLEMAN
Opening Reception: March 11th, 7pm – 12am
Show Runs: March 11th – April 3rd
Photographs by B+ and COLEMAN
Opening Reception: March 11th, 7pm – 12am
Show Runs: March 11th – April 3rd
Words from the Curator

10 years ago when Mochilla headed down to document this Historic event, I was very upset that I was stuck here in LA. I even contemplated quitting my then job in television to join them. To me this was the dream of being a photographer, capturing the struggle walking in uncertain times with a camera a backpack and the adventure of what was to come the next day.
When the guys got back I rushed over see the prints (yes these were the film days) hanging in the dark room. I was a fan of B+ and Coleman’s work and their perspective behind the lens before they were known as Mochilla, seeing this through their eyes was a special treat. Soon after there was a show in Silverlake where I played records and we all celebrated their latest adventure in Mexico.
Flash forward 10 years later my relationship with Mochilla has grown and I have had the opportunity to work with them on many adventures for our lovely Angelinos and folks around the world. A couple of months ago while planning to curate the series of shows at Urban Sanctuary this seemed like an amazing collection of photographs to revisit, almost exactly 10 years to the date of the march & Mochilla as a company. Now with the current uprisings in the world, this seems to be right on time...nothing better then to display the Zapatistas march on Mexico!
Opening Reception: March 11th, 7pm – 12am
Show Runs: March 11th – April 3rd
The artists will be present and there will be live music.
We hope you will join us.
Urban Sanctuary, 2026 East 1st Street
Boyle Heights, CA 90033
Our Support Network:
Thank you Lee Boek for signing on as our wine sponsor for the evening. Providing only the finest premium organic wines from Frey Vineyards.
Thank you Robert Castillo of 3 Wheel for providing the sound system for the evening.
information is available on the Urban Sanctuary gallery’s
Opening Reception: March 11th, 7pm – 12am
Show Runs: March 11th – April 3rd
The artists will be present and there will be live music.
We hope you will join us.
Urban Sanctuary, 2026 East 1st Street
Boyle Heights, CA 90033
Our Support Network:
Thank you Lee Boek for signing on as our wine sponsor for the evening. Providing only the finest premium organic wines from Frey Vineyards.
Thank you Robert Castillo of 3 Wheel for providing the sound system for the evening.
information is available on the Urban Sanctuary gallery’s website:www.urbansanctuaryla.
Contact Info: Cashmere Agency
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