I wanted to start the first blog entry of 2010 maybe explaining my trip to Amsterdam for the new year..re caps from the end of the Firecracker party and the Hit + run 4yr anniversary last Month but that will have to wait..
The only Topic in my mind at this moment is Oscar Grant's Case..
Another senseless Hate crime murder by Law enforcement
One year ago, Oscar Grant was murdered in Oakland by transit police officer Johannes Mehserle.On Jan. 13, 2009, as a direct result of the Jan. 7 Oakland Rebellion, Mehserle was arrested. He is the first police officer in the history of California who has been charged with murder!
Fortunately it seems all caught on video tape for an "easy walk" to justice with proof of the crime and racist remarks made while Oscar was murdered.
The fix is on as it seems to always be when police are in the wrong the trial was Moved from Oakland to LA they will not allow any cameras in the courtroom
Its Disgusting to me that we must PROTEST just to be heard there is no way this man can go free.LA stand up.After watching that video you Must be Motivated to get Involved
Today was a good start and Many of thanks go out to the Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant.
Statement of Solidarity
We call for justice for the killing of Oscar Grant and all unarmed,innocent civilians who are killed by Police.We stand in support of Oscars grants Family and Oakland communities.
For Justice to be served in the Oscar case ,we Believe That johan mehserle needs to be found guilty of murder 1st or 2nd degree and not a lesser charge such as Manslaughter.
We argue That the trial of mehserle is about more than Oscar Grant.Oscar Grant is one more stolen life in a nation where police brutality and the expansion of the prison industrial complex run rampant without accountability or transparency.we argue that the criminal justice systems constitute a system of governance that systematically oppresses people of color and poor people.
Its Disgusting to me that we must PROTEST just to be heard there is no way this man can go free.LA stand up.After watching that video you Must be Motivated to get Involved
Today was a good start and Many of thanks go out to the Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant.
Statement of Solidarity
We call for justice for the killing of Oscar Grant and all unarmed,innocent civilians who are killed by Police.We stand in support of Oscars grants Family and Oakland communities.
For Justice to be served in the Oscar case ,we Believe That johan mehserle needs to be found guilty of murder 1st or 2nd degree and not a lesser charge such as Manslaughter.
We argue That the trial of mehserle is about more than Oscar Grant.Oscar Grant is one more stolen life in a nation where police brutality and the expansion of the prison industrial complex run rampant without accountability or transparency.we argue that the criminal justice systems constitute a system of governance that systematically oppresses people of color and poor people.

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looking for more information
Los Angeles Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant
On Friday, Mehserle appeared at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in downtown Los Angeles to meet for the first time Judge Robert Perry. Perry spent the half-hour hearing laying out his terms for the upcoming trial: he listened to an argument from Oakland TV-station KTVU that the trial should be televised, and denied the plea. There will be no cameras, photography or audio recording allowed in the court. Additionally, Perry renewed that gag order issued previous to the trial being moved from Alameda County to Los Angeles. Trial participants will not be allowed to comment on any aspect of the trial, either to the media or "on any internet sites."
Both defense and prosecution attorneys suggested that the trial will take eight to 10 days in total. Perry expects proceedings to begin in May.
In the mean time, Defense attorney Michael Rains alerted the court that he is seeking a motion to reduce Mehserle's bail amount, which currently stands at $3 million. The court will resume to deal with this motion on February 19th, at 8:30am.
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